Monday, February 8, 2010

Legislation Update for February '10 Meeting

Virginia Legislation

Pro Gun Rights Bills:

HB 475 - Allows concealed carry permit owners to carry concealed in K-12 parking lots, and in schools when they are not in use for school activities.

HB 72 - Reduces the penalty from a felony to a Class 1 misdemeanor for someone carrying a firearm on K-12 school property with no criminal intent. [The bill was tabled in committee on Feb. 8; unfortunately this will probably kill the bill.]

HB 49 - Repeals one-handgun-a-month restriction.

Other Bills to Support:

HB 570 - Changes the burden of proof from the taxpayer to the assessor when a taxpayer appeals the assessment of real property. [Passed Feb. 4 House vote; referred to Senate.]

HB 1319 - Exempts Virginia from enforcing the federal Clean Air Act and Copenhagen Accords. [Voice vote continued bill into 2011 session.]

HB 15 - Bars the use of Virginia jails or prisons for federal terror prisoner detention. [Passed Feb. 15 House vote.]

SB 417 - Declares that Virginia residents cannot be required to purchase or maintain health insurance. [Passed Senate and House; awaits Gov. McDonnell's signature.]

Virginia Constitutional Amendments to Support:

HJ 7 - Protects an individual's right to participate or decline to participate in a health care system or plan.

HJ 26 - Limits the next year's spending to the previous year's total spending plus a factor for inflation and population increase.

HJ 115 - Enumerates previously vague powers of eminent domain; stipulates that eminent domain may not be used to increase the tax base, tax revenues, or employment. This amendment would effectively neuter the attrocious Supreme Court ruling on the Kelo case as applied in VA.


Ressurrection of the Death Tax!
HB 223 and HB 275 - [SUCCESS! HB 223 has been tabled, effectively killed; and HB 275 has been struck from the docket.]

HB 230 - Gas tax increase.

SB 280 - Removes the current cap of 4% for the county meals tax and allows counties to impose an uncapped rate. The bill would also allow counties to adopt or increase a meals tax by a majority vote of the elected members of the governing body. [Passed Senate vote; oppose passage in the House of Delegates.]

Federal Legislation

Support Ron Paul's Bills:

HR 4248 - Free Competition in Currency Act - Lifts legal tender laws and allows for the free market competition of currencies in the U.S. Lifts sales and capital gains taxes on transactions in gold and silver, thereby legalizing monetary provisions in the Constitution, that have been suppress by unconstitutional laws. This bill would remove the Federal Reserve's currency monopoly and would result in repercussions for the Fed creating money out of thin air. Citizens would be empowered to maintain the value of their savings that would otherwise be lost to inflation. (See past blog post for further details.)

HR 3394 - Freedom of Health Speech Act - Provides that the FTC has the burden of proof if it alleges that a dietary supplement claim is false or misleading, and that it cannot prosecute a company without giving 30 days notice that such claim violates the law.

HR 3395 - Health Freedom Act - Provides that FDA has the burden of proof if it alleges that a claim is false or misleading, and says that FDA may not take action to prevent use of a truthful, non-misleading claim that any nutrient in a food or supplement can cure, mitigate, treat, or prevent any disease.


HR 2159 - Denying Firearms and Explosives to Dangerous Terrorists Act of 2009 - Denies issuance and transfer of firearms to labeled domestic terrorists. Would allow Obama's Attorney General, Eric Holder, to "withhold" from court and from defendants any and all evidence in gun related criminal proceedings based upon the accusation of participation terrorism. Instead, the court must accept summaries of evidence provided by Holder. Essentially, the bill allows you to be disarmed and/or imprisoned without providing real evidence.

S 3002 - Bill to Amend the Federal Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act to impose new regulations on dietary supplements. This bill will destroy the free market for dietary supplements of almost any type, including vitamins. This is part of the globalist agenda handed down from by the international Codex Alimentarius group to take away personal health freedom. There is a high likelihood that this bill could get attached to another statist bill, S 510, deceptively coined the "FDA Food Safety Modernization Act".

S 510 - Gives futher advantages to mega corporate farmers and harms small farmers by giving a preferred voice to corporate farmers to be heard by the FDA. Harming small farms means that organic, non-GMO, chemical-free food will become more scarce. The bill also usurps state soverignty and unconstitutionally asserts that the federal government can dictate food inspection practices which, again are likey to benefit the corporate farmers at the detriment of small farmers.