Monday, May 10, 2010

Legislative Update for May 11, 2010 Meeting

Companion Bills for more statist regulation and less freedom, under the guise of "reform":

H.R. 4173 - Wall Street Reform and Consumer Protection Act of 2009 (introduced by Barney Frank, Dec. 2, 1009)
S. 3217 - Restoring American Financial Stability Act of 2010 (introduced by Chris Dodd, April 15, 2010)

House version reverses decisions of previous Congresses, vastly expanding the powers of the Federal Trade Commission (FTC) to act as a legislature in its own right to govern an regulate industries which have nothing to do with the current financial crisis. Among the industries affected would be the access and potency of health supplements and vitamins. This form of control is one of the agenda items of Codex Alimentarius, an eugenics agenda formed by unelected globalists affiliated with the UN and WTO aimed at achieving top-down global control of all food-related commerce.

The only good part of H.R. 4173 is that it contains the language of Ron Paul's no-compromise Audit the Fed Bill (H.R. 1207). Unfortunately, Bernie Sanders did not introduce this language into the Senate 3217 bill, which had as been in his S.604 companion bill to Paul's H.R. 1207. Instead, Sanders introduced a comparatively watered down amendment, which, among many differences, would not allow any transactions between the Fed and foreign central banks to be audited. In addition, any audit of the gold in Fort Knox (which is under the purview of the Fed) will also be off the table. Some say that it is not a coincidence that the Dow Jones momentarily dropped nearly 1000 points at the same time that amendments to S. 3217 were being discussed, and that the establishment's desire for Sanders' capitulation could be a better explanation for the unprecedented market drop than the widely posed notion of some "fat finger" order entry error on the part of some major market player. Regardless of the explanation, the establishment got the result it wanted. There is still some hope for a real Fed Audit. Senator David Vitter has committed to offering the H.R. 1207 / S. 604 audit language as an amendment to the bill.

H.R.4995 - End the Mandate Act of 2010 (Introduced by Ron Paul, April 13, 2010)

Repeals both the individual and employer mandates enacted by Obamacare. As of May 10, 2010 there are 13 cosponsors of the bill. All House Republicans who opposed Obamacare should have cosponsored this bill by now. Where are they!?

S.3194 - Public Safety Employer-Employee Cooperation Act of 2009 (introduced by Harry Reid on April 12, 2010)

This is a reintroduction of a previously unpassed bill. Under the provisions of the bill, regardless of state and local officials, every police officer and firefighter will be handed over to union boss control. If municipalities refuse to go along, the Federal Government will step in and turn over first responders to Big Labor. As with all labor negotiations, there is the possibility of a break down and the resulting strike.

Unions are effectively a control structure of their participants. The scope of union control would cross over jurisdictions, which would mean that local areas would effectively lose sovereignty of their police and fire fighting squads because the loyalties of those employed would compromised toward the interest of state and national unions. This also means that grassroots efforts such as the Oathkeepers (, who promote reaffirmed fealty to the U.S. Constitution among police and firefighters (and military personnel), will also suffer as a result of this co-opted leadership by unions.