"To require all persons in the United States between the ages of 18 and 42 to perform national service, either as a member of the uniformed services or in civilian service in furtherance of the national defense and homeland security, to authorize the induction of persons in the uniformed services during wartime to meet end-strength requirements of the uniformed services, and for other purposes."
Note that this bill would be more comprehensive than the last national military draft. The bill enslaves both men and women, and at much broader age group. Some would say that since Barack Obama has committed the U.S. to war if Israel goes to war, passage of this bill will essentially put the freedom of U.S. citizens in the hands of the Israeli policy makers. However, many forget that we are already at war in the Middle East, and we have had many wars since the last time the U.S. headed the Constitution to wage war in WWII with a declaration of war.H.R. 1586 - Education Jobs and Medicaid Assistance Act
H.R. 1586 was originally the FAA Air Transportation Modernization and Safety Improvement Act, but the House-passed text of the FAA authorization was replaced in the Senate with an amendment sponsored by Sens. Reid (D-NV) and Murray (D-WA) to become a bailout.
The Senate passed the altered bill on August 5, 2010. Nancy Pelosi has called a special session of Congress to address this bill. The special session will cancel meetings that represenatives would have had with their constituents.
Facts about the bill:
- It contains a total of $26.1 billion in temporary state bailouts.
- The bill provides $10 billion that states are REQUIRED to use to pay teacher salaries. States who receive this money must agree to not reduce their budgets below 2009 levels. This all but guarantees that further taxpayer funded bailouts will be required, because even if states wanted to take responsible action to reduce their spending, they are prohibited from doing so.
- This bill sets the stage for a nationalized education system by expanding federal government control over education and diminishing the role of parents, teachers and local communities.
- Democrats claim this money is necessary spending on children’s education. In reality, this is a blatant payoff for teachers unions, a significant Democrat base, which keeps demanding more money from taxpayers without producing better results for children. The Wall Street Journal made this point in a July 14th editorial, “School districts have been adding to their payrolls for decades without regard to student enrollment and much to show in academic improvement. Total education spending grew by 32% between 1999 and 2009, while K-12 enrollment has grown by less than 1% each year over the same time period. The reality is that districts could economize and trim the bureaucracy without having to lay off as many teachers as they claim.” But, this legislation would prohibit such economizing!
- The bill also increases Medicaid spending by $16.1 billion by extending the federal Medicaid matching rate of 6.2% to all states through December 2010, then phasing the matching rate increase down to 3.2% for the first three months of 2011, then to 1.2% for April through June 2011.
- The legislation includes $9.7 billion in permanent tax increases on multinational companies. This will absolutely kill jobs and further diminish the United States’ ability to compete with foreign corporations.
- The Congressional Budget Office (CBO) estimates that this bill will increase the deficit by $12.6 billion.
H.R. 3534 - Consolidated Land, Energy, and Aquatic Resources (CLEAR) Act
This bill would the control of U.S. lakes and coastal waters in the in the hands of the National Ocean Council, which Barack Obama established through fiat by executive order. This would be done by the creation of yet another new council would would be overseen by Obama's National Ocean Council. The ultimate plan is to usurp the state and national sovereignty of these waters to place them in the control of unelected officials who agree with the tenants of the U.N.-sponsored Law of the Sea Treaty (LOST). LOST is part of Agenda 21, a fraudulent agenda to build up more top-down global control over formerly sovereign nations, under the guise of improving ecological sustainability.
More info at http://bit.ly/cGNiXG .
H.R 5175 / S. 3628 Disclose Act - Failed Senate Cloture Vote
The Disclose act failed a Senate cloture vote, 57-for to 41-against, on July 27. 60 votes are require for a cloture vote to pass. This is a temporary victory against this terrible bill (which was discussed in the previous legislative report). Since Harry Reid reversed his yay vote to nay at the last minute, after he saw that the cloture would fail, Senate rules allow him to move for reconsideration of the bill for another cloture vote at a time of his choosing.
Obamacare surprise #1 - new Form 1099 IRS filing requirement on transactions >= $600
Starting Jan. 1, 2012, IRS Form 1099s must be filed for purchases of all goods and services by small businesses and self-employed people that exceed $600 during a calendar year. This means that government would have the means to track significant purchases of precious metals. It should be remembered that in 1933 President Roosevelt issued Executive Order 6102 and confiscated privately owned gold which was subsquently shipped overseas. The previous owners of the confiscated gold were compensated by only a fraction of the gold's value.
Obamacare surprise #2 - Taxable income may be raised by employer cost of insurance
Starting in 2011, next year-the W-2 tax form will include the the cost of whatever health insurance you are provided. There is some debate over whether this reported insurance cose will be included as part of gross income.
If the insurance cost does get counted as gross income, this will effectively increase income taxes, and, for some who get bumped into a higher tax bracket, it would increase their tax rate.
SEC Now Officially a Rouge Agency
The recently-passed Financial "Reform" Bill gives SEC exemption to the Freedom of Information Act (FOIA). This basically means that the public will have little of any recourse to any economic interference by the SEC, and that that public also will not have adequate information to discern whether the SEC is properly performing its intended regulatory function.
H.R 5970 - SEC Transparency Act of 2010, introduced July 20, 2010 by Ron Paul
"To repeal the amendments made by section 929I of the Dodd-Frank Wall Street Reform and Consumer Protection Act relating to the confidentiality of materials submitted to the Securities and Exchange Commission."