Federal Legislative Alerts
Nefarious Legislation
H.R. 2454 - Cap and Trade - Passed the House on June 26; no Senate bill yet
This bill was over 1400 pages long and 256 pages were added the same day as the House vote. The pretense of the bill was to combat climate change, give us clean air, build alternative energy. However, many measures of the bill are based on pseudoscience, such as the notion that carbon dioxide is the primary culprit for global warming, and that the carbon tax the bill institutes will solve this problem. Experts say H.R. 2454 would redistribute $2 trillion dollars from the productive economy into the hands of powerful favored institutions via its complex regulatory scheme. The bill also mandates every home owner to submit to a home energy audit, under potential threat of fines for refusal.
S. 909 and H.R. 1913 - Hate Crimes Bill (Pedophile Protection Act) - Committees: Senate Judiciary & House Judiciary
Creates thought crimes out of a new class of "perceived" hate crimes. The bill violates the 14th Amendment's equal protection under the law provision. Local and state prosecutors would receive more federal assistance in pursuing a cases that are perceived to be motivated by perceived race, color, religion, national origin, gender, sexual orientation, or disability of the victim . Pedophiles would be included under this special protection. Justice for victims of otherwise ordinary crimes would take a backseat to prosecuting hate crimes.
H.R. 675 - Amendment to Title 10, United States Code - Committees: House Judiciary House Subcommittee on Crime, Terrorism, and Homeland Security; House Armed Services
Extends to civilian employees of the Department of Defense the authority to execute warrants, make arrests, and carry firearms. H.R. 675 sidesteps Posse Comitatus by defining "law enforcement officer of the Department of Defense." This bill is a step toward formation of Obama's "civilian national security force," which some would liken to Hitler's "brownshirts."
S. 1261 - Pass ID Act - Committee: Senate Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs
Repackages the Real ID to mandate state drivers licenses to conform to a global biometric standard. This bill is a key component of globalist plans for the establishment of a real-time accessible "Big Brother" surveillance and control system. This bill, like Real ID, is pushed by AAMVA and ICAO, two agencies of the United Nations. Visit www.stoprealidcoalition.com for more info.
H.R. 759 - Food and Drug Administration Globalization Act of 2009 - Committee: House Energy and Commerce
Would grant full authority to the FDA to set minimum, "science-based" standards for what it deems the safe production and harvesting of produce in the "global market." Requires farms to register with the FDA and pay annual registration fees for program compliance, as well as other requirements including hazard evaluation, preventive hazard control, and copious record-keeping stipulations, regardless of the farm's size, organic certification, or already-existing safety guidelines. The same regulations placed on large agribusiness would be placed on farmers providing fresh vegetables at the local farmers market.
H.R. 875 and S. 425 - Food Safety Modernization Act - Committees: House Agriculture subcommittee on Livestock, Dairy, and Poultry; House Energy and Commerce; Senate Agriculture, Nutrition, and Forestry
Establishes NAIS (National Animal Identification System) requirements the will be cost prohibitive to small farmers to comply with. Gives federal government authority to track all livestock. Gives competitive advantage large corporate farms. Noncompliance potentially results in hefty fines, asset seizure, and prison time.H.R. 2749 - Food Safety Enhancement Act - Committee House Energy and Commerce subcommittee for Health
Allows the FDA to quarantine any geographic area to prohibit or restrict the movement of food or the transportation of. This bill also provides the authority to shut down local food sources and would empower the FDA to regulate how crops are raised and harvested. This bill effectively allows for martial law to be enforced by the FDA in a supposed 'food safety' act. Additionally, putting the FDA on the farm will cost the small farmer and would once again favor corporate farming.
H.R. 645 - National Emergency Center Establishment Act - Committees: House Armed Services subcommittee for Terrorism, Unconventional Threats and Capabilities; House Transportation and Infrastructure subcommittee for Economic Development, Public Buildings, and Emergency Management
Directs the Secretary of Homeland Security to establish national emergency centers otherwise known as FEMA camp facilities on military installations. Existing infrastructure is to be used for the implementation of these facilities. Essentially this bill amounts to legalization of the FEMA camps that have already documented already exist across the country. Such camps are purported to exist under benevolent auspices. However, if this is so, one has to question why the camps have been photographs with barbed wire at top of fences angled inward.
H.R. 676 - National Health Insurance Act - Committees: House Energy and Commerce, House Ways and Means, House Natural Resources
Establishes a single-payer, socialized health care system, financed at taxpayer expense.
Constructive Legislation
H.R. 1207 and S. 604 - Bills to Audit the Federal Reserve - Committees: House Financial Services, Senate committee on Banking, Housing, and Urban Affairs - # of Cosponsors: H.R. 1207 has 260; S. 604 has 8.
Call for transparency of the Fed. Requires the GAO to conduct a full audit of their activities.
Would require Congress to specify the source of authority under the United States Constitution for the enactment of laws, and for other purposes.
H.R. 3021 - Citizens Protection Act - Committee: House Judiciary
Eliminates 1/2 mile wide gun-free zones established by the Gun-Free School Zones Act of 1990.
H.R. 3022 - Second Amendment Protection Act - Eliminates gun purchase background checks, waiting periods, lock requirements, and sporting distinctions.
Read the Bills Act - written by DownsizeDC.org; not yet introduced ; Would require each house of Congress, in a quorum, to read any bill that is voted on. Bills must be reread in full, if amended.
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